
"NDFF will enable UK researchers to remain at the forefront of technology research for the future internet. UK Photonics and UK electronics are large industries with annual revenues of £10 billion and £29 billion respectively. We will be working with leading UK companies to transfer technologies developed with the aid of NDFF into new products and services. The benefits to the UK economy will be correspondingly large."

Professor Alwyn Seeds, NDFF Director

Welcome to NDFF

The National Dark Fibre Facility (NDFF) is an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) National Research Facility, established in 2014 to enable researchers to develop the underpinning communications technologies for the future internet.

A dedicated fibre network named as Aurora2 will be provided by NDFF, linking four universities sites, UCL, Bristol, Cambridge and Southampton, with onward connection to European and Worldwide research networks via telecommunications facilities in London.

As well as supporting research on the future core optical network, NDFF will also enable research with converging networks and internet applications. In this web site, we are delighted to provide a description of our facility, research highlights and how to access the facility.